Saturday, April 18, 2009

New Year's Resolutions (For April)

So as I'm sitting here at my computer, slowly (and painstakingly) knocking out one homework assignment after another, I've come to the realization that my time left here in Barcelona is limited and the open gap of opportunity for exploring things I have yet to see is beginning to narrow. With this in mind, I have made a resolution to be proactive in the coming weeks and knock off things from my "to-do" checklist that I've wanted to see/accomplish here in Barcelona since I arrived about three months ago. Unfortunately the weather has been a little more than unpredictable in the last few days, so I'm hoping for some better luck in the next few. My ambitions were set in motion today when I decided to take a walk through the Botanical Gardens of Barcelona on Montjuic just beyond the Olympic Complex. Having a little background history on the site, it was nice to see it in person. My timing must have been just right because as I was leaving I had the privilege of watching an amazing orchestrated water show at the fountains just up from Placa Espanya.

Leaving my apartment for the garden, however, I had a little taste of Spanish culture up close and personal. Just up the street from my apartment at the procession in front of the Arc de Triomf was a huge market of countless little tents selling just about anything you could imagine, stretching all the way into the Parc de la Ciutadella. It was interesting to wander up and down the rows and rows of tents seeing what the locals had to offer. There was even some musical entertainment, complete with little kids dancing all over the place. Seeing the market in front of the Arc de Triomf was just a little reminder of how interesting the culture is that I've been merged into living here in Barcelona. It also was a little reminder of all the things Barcelona has to offer that I have been missing out on up until this point. My resolution has come at a good time- no building will be left un-criticized or un-sketched, no museum un-visited, no bar un-patronised? Esta bien.

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